Saturday February 22, 2025 2:45pm - 4:15pm KST
  1. Overview of the differences and overlap between differentiation, scaffolding, and modifications + how to determine what to provide to whom when and how. 
  2. A look into how supports could look different for Learning Support, EAL, and SEL needs. 
  3. Share instructional strategies to increase access for all students in each of the categories listed above.
Possible topics based on needs of attendees:
  1. Efficacy of varying models of collaboration between homeroom teachers and support teachers
  2. Brainstorm ways to enhance school and team structures to increase collaboration
  3. Family engagement strategies
  4. Share templates to facilitate collaboration with other stakeholders
  5. Mock "Student of Concern" Meeting to plan possible interventions (should there be a need)
Participants should bring:
  1. Any resources and templates you want to share (Soft copy ready to share on Google Drive). 
  2. Also, if you have a particular case you are stuck on and would like support with, please be ready to share information with any and all identifying information removed to ensure confidentiality.
  3. Laptop or mobile phone 
avatar for Sarah Ko

Sarah Ko

Learning Support and EAL Lead, Seoul Foreign School
Sarah brings together perspectives from multiple fields having worked as a classroom teacher, learning support teacher, EAL teacher, counseling intern, and student support coordinator. She has worked with students from early childhood to high school and is passionate about collaborating... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:45pm - 4:15pm KST

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